The Archiproducts Design Awards celebrate the world’s design excellence.
The awards aim to make us witness the synergy between designers and brands and their creativity, innovation, and sustainability.
Launched for the first time in 2016, the annual awards promoted by Archiproducts bring together the leading players in the Design and Architecture world to honor the best products on a wonderful night in the very center of Milano.

The Archiproducts Design Awards celebrate the world’s design excellence.
The awards aim to make us witness the synergy between designers and brands and their creativity, innovation, and sustainability.
Launched for the first time in 2016, the annual awards promoted by Archiproducts bring together the leading players in the Design and Architecture world to honor the best products on a wonderful night in the very center of Milano.

An international themed design award held every two years.

The Red Dot Design Award is one of the world’s largest design competitions. The Red Dot Label has become established internationally as one of the most sought-after marks of quality for good design. In order to appraise the diversity in this field in a professional manner, the Red Dot Design Award breaks down into three disciplines. Competitions for each of these disciplines are held once every year.

The Red Dot Design Award is one of the world’s largest design competitions. The Red Dot Label has become established internationally as one of the most sought-after marks of quality for good design. In order to appraise the diversity in this field in a professional manner, the Red Dot Design Award breaks down into three disciplines. Competitions for each of these disciplines are held once every year.

The Red Dot Design Award is one of the world’s largest design competitions. The Red Dot Label has become established internationally as one of the most sought-after marks of quality for good design. In order to appraise the diversity in this field in a professional manner, the Red Dot Design Award breaks down into three disciplines. Competitions for each of these disciplines are held once every year.

For more than seven decades since its inception, The Chicago Athenaeum continues the organisation of the program to create an awareness about contemporary design and to honor both products and industry leaders in design and manufacturing that have chartered new directions for innovation and pushed the envelope for competitive products in the world marketplace. Good Design® was founded in Chicago in 1950 by Edgar Kaufmann, Jr., Eero Saarinen, and Charles and Ray Eames. Mort Goldsholl also created the iconic Good Design logo in 1950.

The selection, made by the Permanent Observatory of Design, includes products or product systems of all commodities, theoretical-critical research, and process or business research applied to design. All selected products are also published on this website, including documentation that could not be included in the printed edition. Each year the selected products compete for the PRIZE FOR INNOVATION - ADI DESIGN INDEX.

Rossi Di Albizzate
Young&Design is dedicated to products and furniture elements exhibited at Salone del Mobile and Fuori Salone.
All Awards
Pio and Tito toso – Architecture and design studio in Treviso
Pio and Tito Toso is an award-winning architecture and design studio in Treviso. Over the years, we have completed numerous national and international projects, earning prestigious recognitions in various competitions
- Archiproduct design award Winner 2024
- Archiproduct design award Winner 2020
- ADI compasso d’oro – international award
- RedDot Design Award 2018
- Design index ADI
- Young & Design 2017
- Good Design
- RedDot Design Award 2017
- Design Plus 2016
- Selezione Compasso d’Oro Internazionale 2015
- RedDot Design Award 2015
- RedDot Design Award 2012
- Good Design Award 2009
- Primo premio al concorso nazionale di architettura per la riqualificazione di Musile di Piave
- Primo premio al concorso di architettura per la riqualificazione del centro di Caposile 2005
- Primo premio al concorso Young & design 2005
- Primo premio al concorso nazionale Tercas architettura 14° edizione, 2000
- Secondo premio al concorso internazionale di architettura INTERREG IV DRAVA PIAVE 2010
- Secondo premio al concorso internazionale di architettura, Civita di Bagnoregio 2008
- Secondo premio al concorso internazionalae di architettura, Rieti 2007
- Secondo premio al concorso internazionale di architettura Il tunnel, Il ponte, La storia 2006
- Secondo premio al concorso Young & design 2001
- Terzo premio al concorso internazionale di riqualificazione paesaggistica, Alento 2010
- Terzo premio al concorso Young & design 2004
- Terzo premio al concorso internazionale di architettura, Montalto di Castro 2003
- Menzione speciale al concorso internazionale di architettura Trevi flash art museum 1999
- Menzione speciale al concorso Young & design ’99
- Due menzioni speciali al concorso Young & design 2003
- Selezione I.Dot 2004-2005 / 2005-2006 / 2006-2007